Java and J2EE Essentials

Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE), is a Java standard for running client-server Java applications on a "Java Application Server." Despite the fact that there are numerous commercial and open-source application servers on the market, this specification ensures that the programming paradigm is consistent and that a Java EE application's mobility and rich capabilities are enhanced.
J2EE was the moniker given to earlier versions of the Java EE specification, and it is still used by many individuals.
Training Duration: 5 Days
This content is for induction type training content for developers starting with Java. Upon completion they can be entitled as Web application development using J2EE.
Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE is a Java standard for running client-server Java applications on a "Java Application Server." Despite the fact that there are numerous commercial and open source application servers on the market, this specification ensures that the programming paradigm is consistent and that a Java EE application's mobility and rich capabilities are enhanced.
J2EE was the moniker given to earlier versions of the Java EE specification, and it is still used by many individuals.
Programming with Java
Develop desktop application using Java and MySQL
Create web application using JSP & servlets
Participants must be experienced JavaScript and HTML developers.
This course is ideal for developer who wish to start with Java.
Module 1: Introduction
Java SE Platform Versions
Java in Server Environments
Java Architecture
Features of Java
Module 2: Java Syntax and Class Review
Java Class Structure
Java Naming Conventions
How to Compile and Run
Primitive Data types
Operators in Java
Control statements
For each loop
Classes and Objects
Using Java Arrays
Static Keyword
This Keyword
Garbage Collection
Module 3: Encapsulation and Subclassing
OOP in java
Using Access Control
Import and package statement
Creating Subclasses
Overloading Methods
Overloaded Constructors
Overriding Methods
Invoking an Overridden Method
Constructors in Subclasses
Overriding Object methods
Module 4: Abstract and Nested Classes
Defining Abstract Classes
Defining Abstract Methods
Final Methods
Final Classes
Final Variables
Nested Classes
Module 5: Interface and Lamda Expressions
Java Interfaces
Interface References
default Methods in Interfaces
static Methods in Interfaces
Constant Fields
Extending Interfaces
Implementing and Extending
Anonymous Inner Classes
Lambda Expression Defined
What Is a Lambda Expression
Lambda Expression Shorthand
Lambda Expressions as Variables
Module 6: Exception Handling
Exception & Error
Exception handling mechanism
Custom Exception
Module 7: JAVA IO
Discuss I/O
Explain the concept of streams
Explain the standard input/output streams
Explain the classes InputStream and OutputStream
Discuss Filtered and Buffered I/O operations
Describe Reader and Writer classes
Module 8: MultiThreading in Java
Define a thread
Define multithreading
List benefits of multithreading
Create threads
Discuss thread states
Manage thread priorities
Explain how to set thread priorities
Explain thread synchronization
Explain the ‘wait-notify’ mechanism
Module 9: Collections
Java Collections framework
Comparable interface
Comparator interface
Properties class
Module 10: Java Streams
Map and filter operations
Parallel Processing
Module 11: Writing SELECT Queries
Writing Simple SELECT Statements
Eliminating Duplicates with DISTINCT
Using Column and Table Aliases
Writing Simple CASE Expressions
Module 12: Sorting and Filtering Data
Sorting Data
Filtering Data with Predicates
Module 13: Using DML to Modify Data
Adding Data to Tables
Modifying and Removing Data
Generating Automatic Column Values
Module 14: Querying Multiple Tables
Understanding Joins
Querying with Inner Joins
Querying with Outer Joins
Querying with Cross Joins and Self Joins
Module 15: Java Database Connectivity
JDBC Architecture
Types of JDBC Drivers
Loading JDBC Driver
Connecting to Oracle Database
Manipulate data in the Database
Transaction Management
Introduction to web programming
Apache Tomcat Web Server
Role of Servlet in web programming
Servlet Lifecycle
Request Dispatching
Handling Form Request in Servlets
Servlet API to retrieve Form Parameters
Configuring the web application
Servlet Mapping
ServletContext Information
Servlet Initialization Parameters
Parameters & Attributes and their differences
ServletConfig and ServletContext
Session Tracking&State Management
Url Rewriting
Hidden Form Field
Session Object
Events & Listeners
Developing a Servlet Context Listener
Servlet with database connectivity
JSP Architecture
JSP Elements
JSP Life cycle
JSP Translation
JSP Compilation
Writing JSP Scripting Elements
Directive Tag
Handling Errors
Declaration Tag
Scriptlet Tag
Expression tag
Implicit Objects
Implementing an MVC Design
Understanding JavaBeans
How to use Javabean tag
Custom Tags
Using tags of JSTL
Expression Language
Tools used: