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Microsoft Power BI: Creating Meaningful Data Reports

Updated: Mar 18

Some people use Microsoft Power BI to combine numerous data sets, while others streamline their reporting processes. Above all, they want to harness analytics' power to improve their businesses substantially.

You can get your employees on the same page with Power BI, collaborate in a sophisticated platform, and easily manipulate data. You can extract information, analyze and compare historical and real-time data, develop useful reports, and make trend predictions. You can then make decisions to improve your business, ranging from broad process improvements to granular day-to-day operations.

Microsoft Power BI Dashboard training

Make Power BI reports to convert your company's data efficiently.

Power BI is a dynamic platform from Microsoft that allows users to connect to and change data to create meaningful and interactive visuals. Power BI Desktop's familiar and clear UI makes connecting to a data source and creating effective reports simple. You may publish your report to the Power BI Service from within Power BI Desktop, where the intended parties can share and view it in a web browser. Every report must be made public in the workplace. Reports can be used independently or bundled with other relevant reports on a dashboard.

Power BI can pull data from various sources, including simple Excel files and web services like Microsoft Dataverse. Because Dataverse is used to handle data in Dynamics 365 and Power Apps, adopting it as your Power BI data source makes sense if you want to link your reports with Power Apps. Another advantage of utilizing Dataverse with Power BI is the ability to manipulate data using Power Query, a Power BI Desktop tool. Security problems are also alleviated by using Dataverse as a data source. The data is kept safe in the cloud, and only certain individuals can access it due to role-based security. It's simple to connect to Dataverse from Power BI Desktop. All you need is the Instance URL and maker rights in your Dataverse environment.

While Power Apps' capacity to create unique low-code business apps is great, combining Power Apps and Power BI can take business applications and insights to new heights. Assume you have a Power Apps app that allows employees to submit expenses for approval by managers. Unless each expense is displayed meaningfully, it may appear insignificant. Using Power BI to create a report with graphs that show the frequency and total cost of each spending category could help the manager visualize and draw conclusions about the most cost-effective strategy to save business dollars. Integrating Power BI and Power Apps would change how managers view spending data, allowing them to make more cost-effective decisions. When you combine the features of Power Apps and Power BI, you get a head start on creating business apps that are useful, multi-faceted, and personalized to your specific needs.

Connect to Power BI reports or display them in Power Apps directly

So you've built your Power BI reports and Power Apps canvas app. What's the best way to combine the two? A shareable link to a report is created once it is created and published in a workspace in the Power BI Service. You may add a clickable label or button to your Power App to link users to the report in a new Power BI tab.

Taking visitors to a new tab may or may not make sense, depending on the context of your app. A Power BI report can be displayed immediately on an application screen. For instance, insert a Power BI tile and choose the workspace, dashboard, and report you to wish to display. Users can interact with the Power BI report from the app without opening a new browser tab once the app is published and shared.

Various conditions must be met before a Power BI tile may be displayed in an application. The app and report must be developed in the same environment. If your app and report both use the same Dataverse data, this should already be handled. If the report and the app aren't in the same environment, you won't be able to add them together. Another criterion that may not be immediately apparent is that the report must be shared with anyone accessing it from within the app. The Power BI tile will be empty for a user who has permission to see the app but not the report.

Microsoft Power BI Data Preparation And Visualization

Many visualization possibilities are available in Power BI. Tables, charts, graphs, and maps (to name a few) may all be customized to bring your data to life. After adding visualization to the report, you can choose which fields you wish to see. You may also define a colour theme and font option to ensure that your reports correspond to branding guidelines.

Report users can engage with visualizations by sorting and filtering the data displayed to match their needs, yet only report designers can decide which fields and images are displayed. Users may drill down into the data displayed in visualizations by including Power BI slicers in their reports. Power BI reports are diverse and helpful for all business users because of their built-in features.

Training Reference


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